For those of you wondering about the title of my blog.... The herb, Rue is traditionally used to sharpened and strengthen eyesight. In the middle ages it was also called the Herb of Repentance and the Herb of Grace. Rue is a bitter herb-- it symbolizes suffering and purification. I have come to see the suffering in my life (minimal as it is in comparison to others') as the evidence of God's Grace towards me. It has strengthened my spiritual "eyesight" and constantly brings me to repentance. Hence the significance of Rue-- The herb o' Grace o' Sundays.
In other news... in addition to past sufferings (as many of you know) there is a new JOY in our lives-- our son, Judah Eliot. His name means "Praise be to the God of my Salvation". God gave me his name in a dream while I was pregnant... I dreamed that I had given birth to a baby boy with long legs and Big feet (a Forshey tradition). When I woke up, I had the name 'Judah' in my head. Prior to this I had been unsuccessfully searching for a name that meant "Praise". I looked up 'Judah' and, bingo!, there it was. He is beautiful. Hard to believe a baby could ever be as cute as Sofi was,but he is. Enjoy the pics, current ones will be posted soon.... I hope.....