Dear family and friends,
I would like to tell you about SALT-- Serving And Learning Together. This is something new our school is doing, where we go out and serve the community. This year, my classmates and I will be going to a local farm and gleaning veggies. In addition to helping the farmer, the food will be going to an organization that will distribute it to homeless people. I would love if you would consider donation $10, $25 or $50 to sponsor my team's work day! The money will go to help my school pay for field trips and more serve-a-thons. Two years ago our school fundraiser was "Boosterthon". We ran laps around the field to raise money for the school. This year we get to go out and make a difference in our community, instead. You can help, too, by making a contribution to my team through my webpage.
Let me say, by way of parental endorsement, that this program has, in its short life, thoroughly convinced me of its worth. The children are exposed to some of the deep needs of our community in a way that equips them to DEAL with it-- not explain it away, or justify their own non-involvement. I mean, it's one thing for us to tell our kids about the panhandlers under the overpass, and quite another to send them out with their peers and classmates to pick cucumbers to take to the homeless shelters where those men come to be fed. The organizations they worked with last year were impressed by the children's dedication and willingness to serve. Since not all the programs we're partnering with are strictly church-based (although they are all non-profit), it was also an opportunity for our children to show the face, and be the hands and feet of Christ in our city.
My prayer for SALT is that it grows every year and becomes one of the main visuals of our school here- something that people associate Geneva with in an integral way. You can help support Sofi in this toe-dip into ministry by donating. It's not so much about the amount-- just the fact that her family and friends are taking notice and encouraging her in her efforts! She currently has a goal to raise $225 in the next two weeks. Can you help with a gift of $5, $20, or even $50? Every little bit counts!! Click on the link below to join in the project!