Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Just Writing.. A Valentine for my favorite Super Hero

I love it when he pauses for a moment in his mad rush out the door, looks back at me and comes long-legged loping back for a quick kiss and an "I love you, Mom...." Then he's off again, signing i-love-you with his fingers over the back of his shoulder as he blasts off across the pool deck.

Oh, Iron Man, my heart belongs to you... 

Or at least this four-almost-five-year-old reincarnation of you. I doubt these off-handed declarations of devotion will last too many more years. I know already how quickly come the days of hard-headed independence, the determination not to be mothered that covers over a deep need for just that. The silent tears of frustrated rage hidden behind a curtain of hair and smothered by a surreptitiously sucked index finger. Oh how my heart aches over that one sometimes. I can see little glimpses of who she'll be one day, and my heart is glad, but the getting there is soso hard sometimes.

Not that Iron Man and I don't have our moments. Moments of accusatory rage, "Mo-ooom, you're not LISTENING to me!" Moments of complete exasperation and impatience on my part as he takes up so much of my mind space with his slow questions, interminable explanations and elaborate and never-ending stories...

But there are these snapshots, this long-legged lope, those quick pecks and that thumb-and-fingers-over-the-shoulder. They steal my heart away...

Iron Man, I'm yours forever...

Just Writing, with Heather of the EO and lots of other lovely bloggers...

1 comment:

Teagan Warren said...

Hi great reading yourr post