Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Things I really dislike...

I can't say "hate" these days because we're trying to teach Sofi not to say it about things like broccoli and cleaning up her room, so even though my feelings run pretty strong on this topic, I am forced to use restraint.

I really, really dislike bathroom humor, fake beards (love real ones, though) and grown men acting like ill-behaved children. Therefore, Mike Myers is on the top of my "dislike" list and his new movie is right up there with him. 

I was so annoyed to see that he'd come out with another movie this summer and the previews looked dismal. Apparently my guess was right and plenty of other Americans agreed with my assessment. We therefore all refused to go see it-- me and the other "most of America" that have too much self-respect to subject ourselves to that sort of mind-numbing stupidity-- and the movie totally tanked (insert smiley of ridiculous grinning face here). Here's my favorite reviewer quote so far:

There are good movies. There are bad movies. There are movies so bad they’re good (though, strangely, not the reverse). And once in a while there is a movie so bad that it takes you to a place beyond good and evil and abandons you there, shivering and alone.

Here's a link to take you to read the whole review.

On the upside of summer movie watching, Netflix new WatchNow program has added the movie The Business of Being Born. That movie is excellent. I am totally going to see it again. Any of you reading who want to see it with me, let me know. You can all come over and I'll make tea and scones and we can rant and rave about how the male-dominated world of gynecology has stolen the joy out of birth in this country. I'm not kidding about that, I really want to try to get a group together to watch it. You'll probably be getting an email from me soon....


jj forshey said...

I love that quote.

Geneva said...

yeah, i think mike myers is ridiculous {and not in a good way}! i'm so glad the movie flopped. count me in on the movie night.