Saturday, April 9, 2011

... and the embarrasment just keeps on giving...

Today at a friend's for breakfast, I decided to share our "funny" story (posted yesterday) with a mom-friend who was there. Due to the nature of the story, I took her aside and began to tell the story in a discreet monotone. As other people drifted into the room, I found myself inadvertently sharing with a larger and larger group of people. By the time I got to the punch line, I found myself saying That Word in a roomful of adults, in a normal tone of voice... repeatedly. And before I could finish up, the final member of the party strolled into the kitchen to join the group who had, I now found out, congregated there to bless the meal...

"Let us pray...."

And as a bonus, halfway through the prayer, I we heard Sofi, in the other room, telling the kids all about it. She, of course, has no idea why Mommy and Daddy think Judah's new kind of prairie dog is so hilarious, but she's not adverse to trying for a laugh when she thinks she has a killer line...

I will never again laugh when my kids accidentally say a bad word. I have learned my lesson. And then some.


Brooke Chao said...

Ok, so what's the story? You can e-mail me if it's too embarrassing to post online. LOL

Brooke Chao said...

Nevermind, I found the link. LOL

Niecey said...

Awesome! I love it when things like that happen to other people instead of me for a change :)

Lauren Valentine said...

Oh no! I'm sure every parent has been through something like that though. And good luck not laughing next time...