

The mess that art creates

Unnecessary, but cozy fires

Gingerbread Houses

(from Craigslist!)

'There's rue for you and here's some for me; we may call it herb of grace o' Sundays.'
Dear family and friends,
I would like to tell you about SALT-- Serving And Learning Together. This is something new our school is doing, where we go out and serve the community. This year, my classmates and I will be going to a local farm and gleaning veggies. In addition to helping the farmer, the food will be going to an organization that will distribute it to homeless people. I would love if you would consider donation $10, $25 or $50 to sponsor my team's work day! The money will go to help my school pay for field trips and more serve-a-thons. Two years ago our school fundraiser was "Boosterthon". We ran laps around the field to raise money for the school. This year we get to go out and make a difference in our community, instead. You can help, too, by making a contribution to my team through my webpage.