The things we Forsheys (along with some friends) have been discussing lately on our many blogs are not easy to understand (not saying we understand them, either). They're not easy to talk about, nor are they easy to come to consensus on.
But I think that "not talking about" it is not the way to deal with difficult issues. If a discussion is carried about in a respectful, loving way, I think that nothing but good will come of it.
I think that when the church (any denomination) falls into the trap of not asking questions, not looking for answers, not searching for truth or agreement among it's various members, we're asking for rottenness to creep in.
I think that "There lives more faith in honest doubt, than in half the creeds."
I think that covering up the debate on an issue within the church so as to present a unified front to the rest of the world, opens Christians up to criticisms of hypocrisy.
I think that even when we conclude at the end of the day that we still disagree with one another, we can learn from the opposing viewpoint, if we are willing to honestly consider it.
I do not think that one must end by
agreeing with the opposing viewpoint in order to prove that one is honestly
considering it.
I do not think that there is anything wrong in having a strong opinion about something, as long as you are not convinced in your own mind that you have the only
righteous opinion. There's a big difference between opinion and righteousness.
I think that there are very few disagreements among Believers that actually involve a valid conflict between righteousness and unrighteousness. Mostly it's opinions.
I do not think that animation necessarily equals animosity. Nor does a heated debate indicate heated tempers.
What do you think?
(if anyone's still reading...)