So yesterday, Susi and I Went Out. It was FUN. We went shopping and I bought the cutest bag ever (which I will eventually show pictures of, once the snow melts and motivation and energy return) and a pink hat and some cute tops.
Then we went to this place called The Studio, an ultra-posh hair salon and day spa where I got my hair cut and styled. By a she-male. !!!!!! I am officially old now. For two reasons;
1) When s/he walked into the room (looking very slim, trim, blond and female) and announced in il basso that s/he was Eddie and would I please come this way, I frantically swiveled my head around for a moment looking for a body to match the voice, realizing only juuuust too late for polite subterfuge that the deep, masculine voice was coming out of the lipsticked mouth of the slender blond standing right in front of me. !!!
2) Eddie asked me if I attended H-High School and assured me I didn't look a day over twenty and couldn't possibly have two kids at home. *sigh* Next thing you know hairdressers and checkout girls will be politely offering me free coffees on Tuesdays and Thursdays...
Then after that, we went and bought and consumed some outrageously caloric pastries for which I will be doing penance at the gym later today. All in all, an excellent day in the City.

*sigh* I thought it was bad here; I can't imagine how bad it is for you up there.
I could use some perspective. And a new bag. I was just thinking that the other day. But my shopping has been limited to the internet.
"Going out" has become a thing of the past for me of late......
I'm so sorry for the terrible home-bound-ness that all the snow has brought... I'm so GLAD you and Susi has the time out. Sounds like it was needed and deserved... Amazing what a new haircut, bag, and a few clearance shirts will do for perspective and making us feel still female and human!
Yay for a good cry and some fun time away. I love the Studio...but definitely can't afford to go there regularly. I've been twice for special occasions. Maybe having a second kid and feeling post birth blah would constitute a little salon splurging...
Haha, I read this last night and didnt' really ponder over the title. I just got it!
I need to go out and find some "perspective" too :)
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