Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Photo

I'm trying out the "I Heart Faces" thing that Niecy does every week. I got a pretty cute shot of Judah yesterday during our egg hunt and I thought it was worth a whirl. I hope at least to get some commenters to give me some tips! In particular, I'm not real happy with the lighting... In the original shot, his face was in too much shadow. I upped the fill light, but then lost some of the contrast between the sunlit sky behind him and his face. Perhaps the remedy would have been a better angle of the sun-- more towards the side of his face, not directly behind him? Also a little unsure of the tight cropping. Wondering if I should have left a little more sky framing his face...


Niecey said...

This is so sweet. I'm glad to see you joining in :) Very cute photo.

I don't know if I even have any good Easter shots of my kids...I'll have to try to take one today I guess.

Beverly said...

so cute and sweet!

Suburban Girl said...

What a cute capture!

jennifer said...

i love this! i'm no help with the processing like others are, but personally i like the tight crop. super cute, a boy and his egg. ;)

Frogmum said...

I like the crop you did too. Looks pretty good to me :D

Abby said...

That is so sweet. It looks like a really sweet face back there.

Susannah Forshey said...

absolutely friggin' adorable! I think it's perfect! The tightness of the crop makes your attention zoom in on the One-Eye Squinty Egg-Cuteness!

Taylor said...

So sweet. It looks like he is shy and is tryting to hide behind the egg.

tiff said...

What a wonderful capture!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Aw, that's so sweet! Fun photo. :D

I'm emailing you with how I "colored" the egg green on my entry.

Kathy said...

love this!! Great job! I really like the crop...looks great to me! Maybe if you apply a color pop action in photoshop (if you have it) it might brighten it up a bit. Love it the way it is though!!!

The Animator's Wife said...

Oh, adorable. Great colors and compostition!

heidiannie said...

Great picture - thanks for sharing! Your son is such a cutie!

Blessedw5mom said...

Oh so cute!!!! Looks like having fun!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

This is so cute, great shot.

Donna said...

That is a great shot!

Our blog: Double Happiness!

Debbie said...

How could that photo be any better? So darn cute:)

tiarastantrums said...

that is one adorable shot

Rebekah said...

That is so darling!!!!

Mr. Tharpey said...

i just responded to your question on my blog. just wanted to let you know! :)

Amanda @ Crowlspace said...

Great photo, what a precious moment you have captured. Sometimes the whole "framing aspect" of taking the picture is lost because if you fuss too much the moment is lost.'
Thank goodness for post processing!

Annette said...

Shooting into the sun is difficult, sometimes there are no other options. I supposed you could try to boost the saturation of the colors in your processing. I think you did a good job!

Cute little boy!

Kristin Amaro said...

What a great photo! In your comment on my post, you had asked about cropping. To answer your question, yes, I did crop my pic. I usually end up cropping alot of my pictures because I don't think about framing it when I shoot. And since the resolution is so high, I can crop and still get a good quality picture. Hope that's helpful! I'm still just learning myself.

God bless,
Kristin Amaro.

Courtney @ splashing grace said...

the crop on this is great - love his sweet little toddler hands

Edith said...

Cute photo!!


Carebear said...

This is adorable! One of my faves - he is so cute! I like the crop. I would like it a little brighter on his face and warmer, but that's just personal preference. What do you use to edit? I have been using GIMP (free but technical) but recently have fallen head over heels for Picnik (there's a free version, but I paid $25 to upgrade for a year) I'd be happy to share some of the editing tricks I've learned. Email me at! But really, this photo doesn't need anything. It's already super cute!

Susan said...

So cute! He is certainly proud of that egg.