Well, the lousy economy has finally hit us, personally. This semester I only have four students. I usually average around ten-- so a more-than-50% decrease there, over $4500 out of our yearly budget. Pretty rough. Seems like music lessons are one of the first expenses to get cut during hard times. It means that J has had to pick up a night class (teaching) at a local business college and we're cinching in our belts. Metaphorically speaking only, unfortunately :) My belt could use to cinch up a few notches, in a physical sense... but that's another post for another time.
Anyway. I've been racking my brain to try and think of ways to pull in a little extra "egg money" here and there. It's rough, since I'm homeschooling Sofi and on a fairly strict school schedule-- in addition to all her "extra curricular" activities. Normally I'd take on a little babysitting and that would cover the loss in students, but I simply don't have the time. At least, not to commit to a weekly babysitting job.
So I've decided that I'm going to try and pull together some stock of baby and toddler clothes (handmade) to sell. I also am finally going to get down to Ebay-ing all Sofi and Judah's old clothes. But after that, I'm slap out of ideas. I'd love to hear from y'all what creative ways you are adding a little egg money to your incomes. Got any hints to share? Any success stories? Anything you've always wanted to try?
I'm also, of course, doing everything I can to cut costs around the house. Hints in that area would be great, too! So far I've cut out extras like paper products (plates and paper towels) and fancy toiletries (using whatever's at Big Lots). I've gotten the selective shopping down to a science-- knowing exactly which store has which item at the lowest price. We're making our own bread and breakfast food (so no boxed cereals) and buying things in bulk whenever we can. I honestly don't know where else I can cut back... What's your favorite cost-cutting trick? What substitutes have you made to save? What have you discovered you can do without?
Share, share, share!! Especially share links-- yours, if you've written about something similar, or others that have inspired you.
I need some inspiration from mah Sistahs!