Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Real, Live Giveaway-- for the doubters-- and a New Etsy Shop

My friend Hos suggested in the comments of my last attempt to win a giveaway, that bloggy giveaways are a vast internet conspiracy and no one ever actually wins them.

I cannot have that. No, no. I cannot exist in a world where bloggy giveaways are the adult equivalent of Santa Claus. It will open up black holes in the happy place in my mind...

So, to prove her wrong, I am going to host my own giveaway and one of you will win it! I promise. And in the spirit of ironic happenstance, my very firstest giveaway is courtesy of Hosie herself!! She is celebrating the grand opening of her Etsy Shop, Carolina Roses! If you follow her blog (which you should) you know that Hos is the epitome of country vintage chic and has a vintage radar second to none. Her lifetime curse of succumbing to yardsales, auctions, Goodwill and greenboxing (also known as dumpster-diving) is finally paying off and she is making money on her habit, ya'll! Hoooray!

Ooo, I just went and looked and she has new stuff up since I looked yesterday! S'cuse me a sec while I peruse...

Aahhh, that Jackie O. coat is to DIE for! Go look and see!

Anyways... Back to the giveaway. Hos is giving my readers a chance to win a pair of vintage floral hankies (don't you just love that word, "hankies"? it sounds so quaint and ladylike and delicate). Here they are:

From Drop Box

Aren't they supercute? Can you just picture one tucked into the pocket of this grey suit? Or used to delicately flick away a speck of dust on these gold mary janes??

So. To win. All you have to do is go check out her shop and come back and comment. Yep. It's that simple. Just write a quick comment telling me what your favorite thing in the shop is and you're entered to win! And since my readership is... let's be honest, small at best... your chances of winning are great!


Seth and Karen's blog said...

How clever of you - and I'm sure Hosanna is appreciating the free advertising! I love her shop, and think she has a wonderful sense of antique chic! My favorite is the little boy's overall trousers. They are to cute! I can just picture a tousled, tow-headed little boy wearing these shirtless with a fishing pole over one shoulder, whistling and balancing a long piece of straw that dangles from his mouth. So Normal Rockwell-ish!

canningmama said...

Well, I just love her site. I'd love to have that cute red coat for miss Katie Mae and I LOVE the apricot sleeveless dress (I think it would fit just fine and dandy!), also the vintage viceroy jeans. yay! i'll keep her site bookmarked. check out the seller beaglebeads to see my sister's handy work on there!

Hosanna said...

This doesn't seem to be going very well does it? Maybe people don't like hankies anymore. :( Now, if I gave away a CAR.........