This is it, people.
This is why I homebirth.
This is why I encourage other people to homebirth.
This is why hospital births, no matter how "good", how peaceful, never quite cut it for me.
This is why I cringe when people say to me, "But all that matters is a healthy baby, no matter how it gets here." I just don't buy it that the manner in which a child is born, the atmosphere into which he or she emerges into this world has no bearing on their future.
This is where it's at.
HT to
ps. don't worry, it's not at all graphic or gross
That was so amazingly beautiful. :)
Ach. *swallows* Sooooo tenderly beautiful. I can't wait to have MORE!
I definitely thought this was so beautiful to watch. I always cry now when the baby actually arrives.
HOWEVER, I still reserve the right to 100% disagree with your feelings on home-birth. I think it is wonderful and I applaud the women that desire it and attempt it. I'm glad to see them succeed. But I do not think the atmosphere the child is born is has any bearing on their future. It's just a few hours of their life, when they are going from a very comfortable, warm, familiar environment into a totally foreign one. The important thing is that their momma is there, the one they have been hearing, smelling, and receiving nurture from for the last 9 months.
Home-births to me, are just not safe enough to attempt, as the baby is not monitored much (and then only through a doppler) and there is not swift enough access to medical facilities often. But that is my stance.
Thank you for sharing! I would love to hire a birth-photographer in the future, I'd never heard of it!
Matt and I watched that together last night! It's so beautiful! (I cried ;-) Some of those pictures are just so amazing!
He thought it was really cool too, the idea of documenting the process start to finish, kind of like documenting a wedding, but much more personal and intimate...
Wow. So beautiful...thanks for posting this Elisa!
That was really beautiful to watch (though I have to admit, I felt a little like a peeping tom watching something so personal!). BUT, I'm a little with Denise...I don't think the birth process is any reflection of the child's future. I think it's lovely to think about an ideal situation where it's a peaceful entry into the world, but the fact is that birth is traumatic (with great thanks to Eve!). We can do everything we can to make it less so, but the end result is the same. My experience in the hospital was much like this woman's, only I had professionals around me when I needed it...and I really NEEDED it at times. I never would have made it through Evie's birth if I'd tried it at home (she could be dead now, truthfully). So, though I can appreciate the quality of what is trying to be accomplished, I will never try it myself. Sorry if I'm disappointing you, but I'm not and will never be a convert:)
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